About us


30 years of expertise in diamond coating technology

30 Jahre
Expertise in der

In many years of cooperation with research groups at universities and non-universitary laboratories, but also in cooperation with companies, a professional network focusing on new diamond coating systems has been established. Intensive developments have resulted in the unique Diamant 4.0coating technology.

Dr. Detlef Steinmüller and Dr. Doris Steinmüller-Nethl

Our Team

CarbonCompetence supports you with a dedicated team of physicists, chemists, material scientists, engineers, computer scientists and specialists in all project and production phases.

Werkstätte Wattens

In the midst of the Tyrolean mountains, our heart beats for our unique diamond coating technology. In the Werkstätte Wattens a creative centre for start-ups and companies, the CarbonCompetence team finds an ideal environment, to carry out your research and development activities efficiently and successfully. This is how CarbonCompetence makes its contribution to the innovations of tomorrow.

The origin
of our innovation:
Tyrolean Mountains

Are you interested in
our Diamant 4.0 coatings or
Diamond 4.0coating facilities?